Pitching Training & Development
Our Pitching Development Philosophy
Move well to throw GAS
VELOCITY is the number one predictor of success in advanced baseball.
Our end goal is to maximize your pitching velocity with quality, efficient movement patterns to give you better command, repeatability, feel, and reduced likelihood of injury.

While we believe there are some fundamental principles of movement, we tailor your development training to maximize your unique traits, using progressive training methods to produce detailed plans for improvement:
Core Velocity Belts
High Speed Video Analysis
Water Bags
Rapsodo Technology
Mocap Assessments

Become a Complete Pitcher
There’s no one thing that can ultimately predict success as a pitcher. But the one thing that gives you the best chance to succeed at all levels is velocity. Our pitching programming, along with strength training, will help you increase numbers on the radar gun.

Pitch Design
With a better pitch arsenal, you create more ways to have success on the mound. We use slow motion video and Rapsodo technologies to help you improve your worst pitch and make your nastiest pitch even nastier.

Movement Quality
While we understand everyone is unique in how they move down the mound, we use video and motion capture to make sure you’re moving as efficiently as possible in your delivery. We then prescribe drills and exercises to progress any changes that need to be made to help improve velocity and command and reduce stress.